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Hassle Free Delivery

  • General Awareness
    The customer Has To Provide the Correct As Well As the Contactable Number For Both Types of Shipments (i.e. COD & Prepaid) To Get Doorstep Delivery.
  • For COD Parcels
    As Far As COD Type Shipment Is Concerned, the Delivery Boy Would Call Only Once When He Would Be Carrying The Shipment for The 1st Time & At That Time If He Couldn’t Reach Out To the Customer Over Call On Given Number Then It Would Lessen The Chances of Doorstep Delivery & Customer Might Have To Visit Nearby Respective Courier Facility To Collect The Parcel Because Delivery Partner Might Proceed Your Shipment For RTO(Return To Origin) Without Taking Seller’s Concern.
  • For Prepaid Parcel
    As Far As Prepaid Type Shipment Is Concerned, the Delivery Boy Will Only Deliver The Shipment If & Only the Customer Receives The OTP On the Given Number Because the Delivery Partner Would Never Allow Delivery of shipment without OTP For Safety Reasons. In That Case, the Customer Would Not Be Able To Pick up The Parcel Even From a Nearby Respective Courier Facility Resulting In the RTO Proceeding.
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